Monday, May 2, 2016

Senior Show Analysis

I believe my Senior Show was a success.

How was it so successful? Well, I got to talk to potential clients and school friends, of course! I got to talk about my years in e-Comm and showcase a demo reel. I joined e-Comm my Sophomore Year, so I got to show everything from that year to now. Everyone seemed to enjoy my videos and I even gave them my business card, which I was able to create in Illustrator. I believe I have improved as an e-Communication student by telling so many good stories. It's all a part of good animation.

I told people about my favorite project, my time in e-Comm, what kinds of animations I completed, how I improved as a student, and what college I will be attending. Everyone I talked to wished me good luck in the future. I even got to talk to other animation students in different grades who were in my teacher's class. They all seemed to really enjoy it! Everyone who participated in the show got to share their work, including the video, graphic design, and web design kids.

Everything seemed to work well, including my demo reel. I received wonderful feedback from parents and professionals. I also brought in my sketchbook so people could see what I drew over the years. I thought I could work on decorating my table to be a bit more professional, but less is always more. It's best not to make it too flashy. I also thought my sketches could have been better, since I don't draw as much as I should. I think they turned out nice and organized though.

Before the show, we need to mail five invitations to people who wanted to come. A couple were not able to be there, but I got to talk to my old piano teacher and he couldn't believe I'm graduating!

In all, it was such a fun Senior Show. I got to talk to so many people who I could potentially work for. It was a fun experience to see what I could do with my talent. I can't wait to see what my next journey will bring at Missouri State University. I will be majoring in Electronic Arts with an animation focus and minor in Marketing.

Thanks for reading! You can also take a look at my demo reel below my clicking on the link. Hopefully an experience like this will land me a great job in the future. I hope to start my own company, but I'll need professional experience first. Whichever comes first, it'll give me a great start for my future. You can also take a look at some pics below.

Me and my piano teacher. Please notice how short I am.
Jason and Kelsie
Video section

Part of the video section

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