Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thoughts of a New Project and Storyboards

Hey everyone, I'm back! Summer is already gone, but not projects I have in mind. This first quarter project will consist of videography and rotoscoping. I want to complete this project because it is something I am new to, and I love a challenge. As you can see, my project is very ambitious right now. The literature you see is a rough summary of how I want my project to look.

My plan is to make a video based on a song by the Crash Test Dummies' "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead". I hope to start filming on the week of September 8-11 and 14-18. It might not take long to film since I won't use the whole song yet. I will make a schedule based on these dates. I will have a cinematographer, extras, and a main actor to take the place of Peter Pumpkinhead.

After filming, I hope to edit my shots in Final Cut Pro or After Effects. It will be a rough cut. I will finalize everything once I am in Photoshop. When everything is done, I hope to complete the song later on in the year and enter my efforts in a Digital Media competition called E-Magine.

One idea I have for the video is that the main character wears a pumpkin mask. (Hence the song.) Because the original video already has the main character with a pumpkin for a head, I need to bring some originality to it.

This is a rough itinerary of how I want everything to go. I have already made a detailed list of shots for the first verse. I'll get everything rolling by the time September 8-11 or 14-18 comes around, which isn't long.

The storyboards are here if anyone would like to refer to them. Happy animating to me!

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