Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Animation/Film Inspirations


My animation and film passion is always there. I always love watching a good film, or even animation. I've loved them since I was a little girl. They have taught me so many life lessons from-

  • Never being afraid to do what is right.
  • Always make the most out of any situation
  • Love everyone, even our enemies
  • Be passionate about what you love
  • We are all unique in our own way
  • Always be happy no matter what
  • Perseverance, working hard, and helping others will get you far in life
  • Always stay positive
  • And my favorite- Never worry about what people think of you- They just want to see you feel down and hurt you.
This is what animation and film has taught me. (Well, mostly animation) There are so many other things that they taught me that I can't even put on one blog. That's how inspiring it is to me. From making me laugh and even smile, animation has just always made me feel happy and good inside.


Oh. My. GOD. I can't even begin to describe how fabulous this man's films are. It's like everything he makes turns to gold. Wes Anderson is everything I want and aspire to be. Well, not EVERYTHING I aspire to be- I'm just extremely inspired by his works. There is no doubt in my mind that he practically changed film and animation. It's quirky, fun, and whimsical. I could go on for hours talking about his films- They just mean a lot to me, even Fantastic Mr. Fox. I was a fan ever since it came out in theaters, and I've it ever since. I think it might just be my favorite film. But I would give anything to work with him someday. Even though I've seen only half his films and I've only just begun to like him a few months ago, he is one of the most inspirational people on the planet. He is positive, whimsical, fun and quirky, and those are the best traits that a person can have, I think. Wes, if you see this, I would love to work with you- I have an animation and video/audio production background at Olathe Northwest!!

Like I said about Wes Anderson, Tim Burton is an amazing person also. I've watched the Nightmare Before Christmas in third grade, and that's when I started to love it. (I had a HUGE obsession with it!) He is the reason, along with Wes Anderson, why I want to go into stop-motion. There's just something about the dark creation of the characters that really attracts me. From his dark and quirky personality, I think Tim really brings out my kooky side. (In a good way!) From The Nightmare Before Christmas to Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie, he is just one inspiring person. I would love to work with him someday.

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