Friday, March 28, 2014

Plausible Impossible


Example 1:
Mickey is walking through a mirror. The moment he does this, he is in a completely new world that is topsy turvy, with furniture that is alive. The plausible is that he doesn't know it can actually happen. The reality is if you walk through a mirror, you'll probably get hurt, but the impossible is that Mickey doesn't get hurt, and discovers a whole new world. It is legitimate to the idea because he is following things in the cartoon world that could never happen in the real world.
Mickey and the mirror

Example 2: Mickey jumps from the mirror and jumps on the furniture, only to discover that all of it is alive. The moment he sees this, he is surprised but in awe of the things the furniture can do. The plausible is that he doesn't notice that the furniture is alive. The reality is that furniture can never be alive and have a face or mouth, but the the impossible is that the furniture is alive, and Mickey interacts with it in many ways. The idea is legitimate because interacting with things in a different world can make you discover new things.
Mickey and the furniture

Example 3: Mickey eats a walnut and shrinks down to the other characters' height. When he realizes this, he is confused at what is going on. The plausible is that he thinks he is eating an ordinary walnut, and does not think anything bad will happen. In reality, whenever you eat a walnut, you won't shrink or grow of any kind, but the impossible happens to Mickey, and he shrinks down to tiny size. The idea is legitimate because eating something in a new world can make you shrink or grow.

Mickey and walnut

Example 4: Mickey is playing jump-rope with a telephone cord. When he realizes this, he is excited at his discovery of the world he is in, and jumps and dances with the characters. The plausible is that he doesn't know what new things these characters can do. The reality is if you jump rope with a telephone cord, you could probably hurt yourself because the cord could be too short, or you don't really have a cord with your telephone, but you could probably damage your telephone and have to get a new one. But the impossible is that Mickey doesn't end up being hurt, and enjoys the whimsical things he does with new characters. The idea is legitimate because you could never try these things in the real world, and Mickey is having fun.

Mickey jump roping

Example 5: Mickey is marching with cards. When he realizes this, he acts if everything is normal, and tells the cards what to do for marching. This is plausible because no card could ever dance or march. In reality, you could never jump rope with cards, and the impossible is that the cards are alive and copy everything he is doing. The idea is legitimate because inanimate objects can be alive in cartoons and Mickey can interact with anything. 

Mickey marching with cards

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