Friday, February 19, 2016

Off to College!

This was a project I made for my animation class and something I wanted to complete for a media festival. It is about a girl who is going off to college, but is nervous about what the journey will bring her. She then learns to take advantage of the opportunities and enjoy college.

I got to work with my character's expression and eyes for this project. Even though I got to work with that criteria, it was still a lot of hard work. My projects were very tedious this year and I did not want to make this one too hard on myself. I worked mainly in Photoshop and fixed my audio in After Effects. The backgrounds were based on color theory. (i.e.- Blue stands for sadness and orange stands for excitement). I really enjoyed this project and I hope you do too! It's nice to make a storyline that everyone can relate to. A still and storyboards are pictured below.