Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Petey's Song Kinetic Typography (RE-RENDER!)

One good thing that the class said about my animation was that they loved the word type! It went great with the tone of the song! I needed to work on the styling of my drawings a bit, though.

To fix my mistakes, I created masks for the hill drawings in After Effects to clean up any incomplete spaces for consistency. I made a new, clean music note with the shape tool in Photoshop and I enlarged my tunnel drawing to keep the colors the same with my style. It took me a couple days to get everything the way it should be. 

Grass has been removed.

I was told the grass was not a good addition to my typography, so I removed it.

Enlarged tunnel

My teacher did not understand what I intended    to do with the tunnel, so he suggested that I enlarge it a bit.

Music note

Mask on hill

Here is the new music note.

When I created this drawing, my teacher also suggested that I should not remove it, but create a mask to clear out the incomplete hill.

It was the same thing with the hill here-it's the same hill, but create I created another mask. I covered up the incomplete hill.

At first, I disagreed how my drawings were incomplete. I thought at first that they were fine just the way they were. I now realize that they had to look like the style that I went with. I went back and cleaned everything up, and I must say they look pretty darn cool now! They look perfect! I never realized until now that you are never completely finished with something until you learn from your mistakes and try again.

Enjoy the re-render!