Monday, September 29, 2014

Petey's Song Kinetic Typography (OFFICIAL!!)

Hello! Here is my final rendering of Petey's Song from Fantastic Mr. Fox. With this project, I learned so many new things with After Effects! I never knew there were so many options for me to choose with 3D and 2D effects! There were hundreds of effects!

Wes Anderson has been a huge influence to me, so when I learned that we can do whatever project we wanted for this quarter, I thought why not create a typography? I have been wanting to create a project like this ever since my sophomore year in animation. I could not believe that I was finally able to do something like this!

Time management and planning was the key for me with this video. I always manage my time well and did not get behind on anything.

With Storyboarding, I did not necessarily follow my drawing sketches. When I started the typography, I improvised where the words would go and where I would position them. That was the beauty of making this typography.

At times, it could be somewhat challenging to keyframe the words at exactly the right time the singer says them. It could be off even by a fraction of a second. Fortunately, I got the timing and editing just right!

I was going to be animating a fox and incorporating the Boggis, Bunce, and Bean characters in the typography, but they did not work out. Instead, I added the fox silhouette watching the words for a few seconds, then he goes away. He only appears a couple of times briefly.

All in all, the project went extremely well. It was a great challenge for me to explore and strengthen my After Effects skills! I loved how my final product turned out!

Hope you enjoy the final typography!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Petey's Song Kinetic Typography Test Render (WITH FOX!)

Hello! So I was planning on animating a fox and adding some of the characters from the movie, but it just didn't work out exactly as planned. So the characters didn't work out, but I did have the fox appear a couple times in the typography-right at the beginning and towards the end. I did not fully animate him, but I made him look as if he was watching the words and made him sit on a hill. Hope you enjoy the test render! I am now in the process of making any last minute changes and final touches.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Petey's Song Kinetic Typography (OFFICIAL PRE CHARACTER!)

Hello! Here is my finished word typography pre-fox character. I will make changes once I have the fox incorporated with the typography. Enjoy the typography for now!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kinetic Typography Test Images/Videos

Here are images and a video test for my typography.

Fox Photoshop type
Type mask moving along a path

Word Bubbles

More word bubbles